Building successful nanomedicine start-ups (Nature Nanotechnology, August 2022)
March 30, 2023
Two comments analyse the aspects that allowed four nanomedicine start-ups to overcome the biotech valley of death and build timely…
Basilard BioTech mentioned in Nature Technology (June 2022) as one of a few companies at the forefront of nanoneedle technology
August 10, 2022
Nanotechnology has matured to the point where it provides exquisite solutions to key challenges across medicine and biology, as seen…
Founder Focus: Brynley Lee, CEO & Founder of Basilard BioTech (Sunstone, September 2022)
August 10, 2022
The story of Basilard BioTech (part of the Sunstone Management investment portfolio) could be the blueprint for taking an invention…
Massively-Parallelized, Deterministic Mechanoporation for Intracellular Delivery (Published on ACS Publications)
February 20, 2020
We recently published data in NanoLetters. It details how, when transfecting primary human T cells with a standard GFP plasmid,…